The dogs

We have two pet buddies. Aristotle, a 7 year old mix of Labrador and Golden Retriever that has brought us joy since he was 2 months old and Ragnar. We are sure that Ragnar is a full blown Labrador, not that we care, but we are unsure about his age. Vet said he is 10. Regardless of his age, we’ll hope he is happy with his retirement home as we are with him.


One day in June (2013) we were “chachareando” — randomly looking for stuff without any particular aim — at Mercado de la Lagunilla, when we came across some random family that were offering a bunch of Golden Retriever’s puppies, perhaps mixed with Labrador.

My wife was hesitant, yet I insisted, as our daughter had recently experienced the loss of her beloved “Aristóteles”, a small rabbit named after the world know greek philosopher.

After invoking the excruciating emotional distress our daughter was going through, I convinced my wife to bring to our family a little-cute-furry-ball-of-clumpsiness into a solid 70 pounds of adorable mess. I also fulfilled a childhood dream. From time to time you’ll hear about his errands.

Aristotle, the not-so-wise


Since Aristotle turned 5, we had been discussing about whether or not to bring another dog to our family. We wanted a Golden Retriever puppy, but life doesn’t always turn as one expected.

In the afternoon of December 23rd, 2019 my wife shared a shattering instagram story about a dog that was abandoned and found rumbling around “Indios Verdes,” in the outskirts of Mexico City.

Instead of a puppy we got a extremely greatfull and loving 10 year old Labrador. In a few weeks he turned into a full blown member of our clan.

Ragnar, the old